Important Update for WRCS Families, April 16, 2021

Important Update for Families,
We have been fortunate to make accommodations which will allow our Kindergarten and Grade 1 students to begin in-person learning early/mid next week at The Alliance Church (located mere blocks from our school).
Additional details pertaining to this transition will be provided to these families on Monday, April 19th, which will include a solidified start date. The county playschool (which operates out of WRCS) will also be relocated to the church and they will be sharing details with their playschool families ASAP.
The remaining areas of our school (west of the office) continue to be a focus for the restoration company and we remain hopeful that we will be regaining access to parts of our building in the near future. Online learning for our Grades 2-8 students will continue until that time. If you missed the technology rollout over the past two days, please contact your child’s teacher and we will make necessary arrangements to provide a Chromebook.
We are so grateful to the church for graciously welcoming us to use their beautiful space. Please continue to watch emails and social media for updates and more information. We hope all of our staff, students, and families can enjoy this beautiful weather and we wish you a great weekend.
Thank you
WRCS Admin