Letter to WRCS families, April 19, 2021

On Monday, April 19, 2021, Whispering Ridge Community School Administration shared the following update on the school's Facebook page

Students in Kindergarten and Grade 1 will be returning to in-person learning starting Wednesday, April 21.  These students will still begin and end their day at WRCS, with the added excitement of riding a bus to and from the Grande Prairie Alliance Church.

A letter detailing this transition is being shared directly with those families (via email), along with an automated call from the school. If you have a child in Kindergarten and/or Grade 1, please read this letter carefully and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Students in Grades 2-8 continue learning online while they await their return to school. We are thankful for Google Meets to keep us all connected and the hard work these teachers have put into quickly transition their in-person lessons to online.

Pictured is the hallway at the Grande Prairie Alliance Church where our Kindergarten and Grade 1 staff are busy preparing their rooms.

We have also been so fortunate to receive some incredibly kind donations (also pictured). Thank you to those who have helped out during this difficult time; your generosity has been met with teary, appreciative smiles.